Monday, December 14, 2015

A Day at a Time will Get You There Faster

Quit robbing your future by worrying about what's going to happen, if you're going to be successful, happy, if you'll ever find love, and so on. The unknown is overwhelming, for sure, and wanting to be at point "B" when you are at point "A" is difficult and frustrating. It can especially be challenging if you have no idea how to get to point "B".

The way to get there is to quit living there, meaning quit worrying about being there. When faced with this overwhelming fact of "How in the world do I get to that point "B" in my life?!" There are 3 things you can do:
  1. Don't Take Action: Turn away from the work it would take to get to point B.
  2. Take Action: Start small, and come up with a plan. Decide that you are going to take responsibility for the direction of your life and what you will do to get to where you ultimately want to be.
  3. Take Action, and Give Up:  this is when number 2 hooks up with number 1. You start out motivated and ready to do the hard and heavy lifting to get to where you want to be; but doubt slaps you so hard in the face you actually listen and give up. 
Don't give up because you don't see results right away. Rome was not built in a day, and neither is a great future.

Focus on the here and now. Do what you can today, because what you do today effects tomorrow. Don't wait to take action. Don't wait on pursuing your dreams or goals when you have more time, more money, or another factor that would make life less stressful.

Very rarely is there going to be an ideal time in a your life where you can set everything aside to just focus on achieving your dreams. There will be tough times where you'll just want to throw in the towel because life gets hard, and you're not seeing results right away. When things get hard, try harder, and soon the hard times won't be so hard. Life is manageable when you aren't discouraged, keep going.

Look at how much better you are
Instead of looking at how far you have left to go, look at how far you've come. Everyone says don't look back. In this case look back! Look at what you have overcome in your life. Look at how much better you are today. To be stronger than what has happened to you will feed that motivation to keep going and to not give up. Recognize your strengths and you'll be stronger for it.

Ask For Help
We are our biggest critiques, we are the hardest on ourselves. Do not be afraid to ask for help, or for an extra opinion. We have family and friends for a reason, they are a huge asset, and a wonderful support system in helping you attaining that beautiful future you dream of.

One day at a time
Focus on what you can do today. Even if it's something small, and it's just doing something that makes you happy. Then do it! Progress is progress. "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." --Chinese Proverb

Not everything is going to come at once. But it will come if you put in the effort a day at a time.

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